Many Gargoyles are master architects and sculptors, creating beautiful buildings and lifelike sculptures in reverence to Gond, God of Craft. This unwavering dedication stems from their worship of Tyr, God of Justice. Gargoyles have an unwavering sense of justice and strict laws that no Gargoyle will willingly break, as the punishment is often exile from their clan and a mark that labels them to all other clans.

Gargoyles are slow to trust outsiders, but once a person has gained the friendship of a Gargoyle, they have an ally that will stand by them under any circumstances. However, once someone or something has gained the anger of a Gargoyle, that anger can stretch over generations for the more short-lived races. They are stoic and quiet, and slow to anger. Gargoyles are solid like stone, and once they reach a conclusion about something it can be almost impossible to change it. However, the older a Gargoyle becomes, the more time they spend as stone, so the Gargoyles that do remember the ancient world are almost never active. Their longevity allows the Gargoyles to view the world as it is in a unique way that younger races are incapable of. Gargoyles can live for more than 1000 years, so the older Gargoyles remember the world before The Collapse, when the Godbridge was destroyed and the Bridge Scar became the only remnant of the civilization that existed there. It is unclear even to the oldest Gargoyles if this is the result of a fell curse or a product of their ancient roots.

While they are fierce and undaunting warriors while awake, when they sleep Gargoyles become immobile and turn to stone.

Gargoyles have a pair of wings and a tail, and their hands end in sharp claws. Gargoyles are often bald, but their hair is usually black, brown, or red and their eyes are yellow and often seem reptilian. Their loyalty and determination make them fierce protectors of their clans and families, as well as anyone that earns their respect and friendship. Gargoyles are capable warriors, sculptors, and architects, creating elaborate castles and lifelike statues in their homeland.

Gargoyles stand between 5 and 7 feet tall with skin hues ranging from stony grey to earthen brown. Gargoyles resemble the statues they are named after, and when standing still the differences are very difficult to notice for the unobservant. Endalmar Corvine, Krothari Legends and Encounters "What is your business here?" The statue's commanding voice rang out, and Bormir's mind recalled stories of Gargoyles, living statues that made their homes in castles like this. As he looked about, one of the statues moved to the edge of the wall. Bormir looked about, but saw only the walls of the old castle, adorned with gargoyle statues.