There were over 2.2 million police-reported Criminal Code incidents (excluding traffic) reported by police in 2019, about 164,700 more incidents than in 2018. An increase in importation or exportation under the Cannabis Act was partially mitigated by a concomitant decrease in trafficking, production, importation or exportation of cannabis (CDSA). A 1% decline in the rate of breaking and entering, among other offences, partially mitigated the impact of these increases on the CSI.
The change in the overall CSI in 2019 was the result of increases in police-reported rates of numerous offences, both violent and non-violent, most notably fraud (+8%) and child pornography (+46%), as well as uttering threats (+20%), mischief (+8%), sexual assault (level 1) (+7%), and shoplifting of $5,000 or under (+11%).
All measures of the CSI – the overall CSI, the Violent CSI and the Non-violent CSI – increased for the fifth consecutive year. The CSI measures the volume and severity of police-reported crime in Canada, and it has a base index value of 1. Police-reported crime in Canada, as measured by the Crime Severity Index (CSI), increased 5% from 75.6 in 2018 to 79.5 in 2019, but the index was 9% lower in 2019 than a decade earlier in 2009.
Text box 7 Violations contributing to the change in the Non-violent Crime Severity Index (NVCSI) between 20, by province or territory. Text box 6 Measuring crime in Canada: Police-reported and self-reported data. Text box 5 Violations contributing to the change in the Violent Crime Severity Index (VCSI) between 20, by province or territory. Text box 4 Violations contributing to the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI) between 20, by province or territory. Text box 3 Measuring police-reported crime. Police-reported crime in Canada – General trends. Text box 2 Founded and unfounded criminal incidents: Potential impact of improved reporting standards. Key statistical trends for police-reported crime in Canada.
Text box 1 Factors influencing police-reported crime. The Daily release More information PDF version Infographics On this page